On Saturday the 19th of March 2022 a Shogi tournament is organized in Den Bosch in cooperation with the Dutch Shogi Federation. The tournament counts for FESA ratings.
There are 4 rounds.
The time control is 30 minutes with 30 seconds byo-yomi.
Before the first round we welcome the participants with coffee, thee and Bossche Bollen!
A Bossche Bol is a famous pastry from the city of Den Bosch.
1000-1030 Registration and Bossche Bollen with coffee
1030-1130 Round 1
1145-1300 Round 2
1300-1400 Lunch
1400-1515 Round 3
1530-1645 Round 4
1700-1730 Prize ceremony
Afterwards several participants may go for dinner in a restaurant in Den Bosch!
Arbitre: Richard van Dalfsen / Ritchy Höhne
Entry fee: 10 euro, including a Bossche Bol with coffee/thee
Registrations before 17 March

Sociaal-Cultureel Centrum De Biechten, Vincent van Goghlaan 1, Rosmalen
There are plenty of parking places available. From Den Bosch central station it’s 4 kilometer, and it can be done with a bus in 15 minutes.
The playing conditions will be comparable to last year. We play in the Rembrandtzaal, just like in 2019.
Cups for the top 3. Cup for the best Kyu-player. Book prizes at random.